A rather unsavoury report today, one that really highlights the importance of buying the right tyres and checking your tyres are always fit to drive.
The High Court is currently holding a case involving passengers of a Mitsubishi Pajero jeep that are suing Toyo for damages after their friend was killed when the jeep suffered a blow out and flipped multiple times down the M4 in Wales. A terrible and tragic incident that occured back in 2006. What is under question is whether or not it was a defect in the manufacture of the tyre that caused the incident or if some other factors contributed to the tyre tread actually coming away from nearly half of the body of the tyre.
We always recommend regular checking of your tyres, in particular to ensure that there’s plenty of tread to give you grip, especially in the wet and cold weather, but how can anyone check that their tread isn’t going to detach itself? This is of course an extremely rare case and hope this would never happen again but if you ever see anything untoward with your tyres or feel your vehicle riding in an abnormal way – perhaps pulling to one side or the other or with unusual noises, bumps or delivering a wobble or feedback into the steering wheel, you really must contact your nearest tyre fitter immediately to assess you tyre. Tyre checks are usually very quick and free and can provide you with peace of mind that you are safe to continue driving. If you’re unsure of your nearest tyre fitting centre, then email us at help@tyrequote.com with your postcode and we can recommend someone for you. Getting a tyre check doesn’t mean you have to buy new tyres, but if the fitter recommends that you do buy new tyres, please come back and see if we can get you some fantastic quotes to make you safe again.
The case continues at the High Court next week.