Hi, I am the founder of tyrequote.com. After spending nearly a decade fitting tyres and speaking to my customers, I know that at the heart of every good company is excellent customer service and I am passionate about delivering 100% customer satisfaction.

I promise to deal with each complaint personally - every complaint made is copied directly to my office PC and blackberry.

I can also promise to deal with your complaint straight away, even if our office is closed.

If you have any problems or concerns, please fill in and leave your phone number (mobile number if possible) on the form below. In most cases a complaint can be dealt with by a simple phone call and I will always be happy to help.

Contact details

  TyreQuote Ltd
  0800 019 3226
  TyreQuote Ltd
  24 Rectory Road,
  West Bridgford,
  Nottingham NG2 6GB

  By appointment only

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